Package-level declarations


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interface Autocomplete<T>

Represents an autocomplete service.

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open class AutocompleteOptions(val minimumQuery: Int = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_QUERY)

Options for configuring an Autocomplete.

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sealed interface AutocompleteResult<out T>

Represents the result of a autocomplete operation.

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Represents a service that provides autocomplete suggestions.


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fun <T> Autocomplete(service: AutocompleteService<T>, options: AutocompleteOptions = AutocompleteOptions(), dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default): Autocomplete<T>

Creates a new Autocomplete instance.

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fun PlaceAutocomplete(service: AutocompleteService<Place>, options: AutocompleteOptions = AutocompleteOptions(), dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default): Autocomplete<Place>

Creates a new Autocomplete instance for Places.