Package-level declarations


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class Altitude(val meters: Double, val accuracy: Float?)

Object representing the altitude of the user.

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class Azimuth(val degrees: Float, val accuracy: Float?)

Object representing the users azimuth.

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class Coordinates(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double)

A geographic location represented by latitude and longitude.

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class Location(val coordinates: Coordinates, val accuracy: Double, val azimuth: Azimuth?, val speed: Speed?, val altitude: Altitude?, val timestampMillis: Long)

Object representing a user's location.

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class Place(val coordinates: Coordinates, val name: String?, val street: String?, val isoCountryCode: String?, val country: String?, val postalCode: String?, val administrativeArea: String?, val subAdministrativeArea: String?, val locality: String?, val subLocality: String?, val thoroughfare: String?, val subThoroughfare: String?)

Represents a place on Earth.

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Represents the priority of a location request.

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class Speed(val mps: Float, val accuracy: Float?)

Object representing the speed of the user.