Package-level declarations


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class MapboxBoundingBox(val minLongitude: Double, val minLatitude: Double, val maxLongitude: Double, val maxLatitude: Double) : QueryParamValue

A bounding box to limit search results to a specific area.

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class MapboxParameters(val permanent: Boolean = false, val autocomplete: Boolean = true, val limit: Int? = null, val bbox: MapboxBoundingBox? = null, val country: String? = null, val language: String? = null, val proximity: String? = null, val types: MapboxTypesList? = null, val worldView: MapboxWorldView? = null) : QueryParameters

Options for the Mapbox geocoder.

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The types of features that can be returned by the Mapbox Geocoding API.

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A list of MapboxTypes to be used as a query parameter.

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The world view parameter is used to filter the results to a specific country or region.


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Create a MapboxParameters instance with the provided block.