Package-level declarations


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The GeolocationCoordinates interface represents the position and altitude of the device on Earth, as well as the accuracy with which these properties are calculated. The geographic position information is provided in terms of World Geodetic System coordinates (WGS84).

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The GeolocationPosition interface represents the position of the concerned device at a given time. The position, represented by a GeolocationCoordinates object, comprehends the 2D position of the device, on a spheroid representing the Earth, but also its altitude and its speed.

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Represents an error that occurred while retrieving the geolocation.


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expect fun createGeolocationOptions(enableHighAccuracy: Boolean, timeout: Double, maximumAge: Double): Object

Represents the options that can be passed to the Geolocation methods.

actual fun createGeolocationOptions(enableHighAccuracy: Boolean, timeout: Double, maximumAge: Double): Object
actual fun createGeolocationOptions(enableHighAccuracy: Boolean, timeout: Double, maximumAge: Double): Object