Package-level declarations
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interface Geolocator
Provides geolocation operations:
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Represents the result of a geolocation operation.
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class LocationRequest(val priority: Priority = Priority.Balanced, val interval: Long = 5000, val maximumAge: Long = 0)
Represents a request for location updates.
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A no-op Locator that is used when the platform does not support geolocation.
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Defines a Locator that requires a permission to check location.
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Represents the current status of a Geolocator tracking operation.
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Gets the current location or null if the location is not available.
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Create a new Geolocator using the provided locator and dispatcher.
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Check if the current Geolocator has the permissions required for geolocation.
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Check if the current GeolocatorResult is a GeolocatorResult.PermissionDenied.
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Check if the current GeolocatorResult is a GeolocatorResult.PermissionDenied.